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Jean-Gaspard Páleníček, Václav Šlajc


My Parents Are Not My Real Parents

Rachel Karafistan

Kamil Macejko

The Empty Space

Marianna Sztyma

Staring from the Hill

Norbert Rybarczyk

Disco Cry

Marianna Serocka

Blacky by Mateusz Skutnik in Birmingham

Opening 13th February 2015, 6.00 PM – 8.00 PM

We are proud to present a collection of illustrations of Mateusz Skutnik,one of the most prominent comic artist in Eastern Europe. The exhibition will show the story of Blacky – a middle-aged guy living in a big city, growing older and being a parent. It is a funny and thought-provoking collection of bittersweet observations.

Place: Centrala Gallery, Unit 4, Minerva Works, 158 Fazeley Street, B5 5RT Birmingham.

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