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Jean-Gaspard Páleníček, Václav Šlajc


My Parents Are Not My Real Parents

Rachel Karafistan

Kamil Macejko

The Empty Space

Marianna Sztyma

Staring from the Hill

Norbert Rybarczyk

Disco Cry

Marianna Serocka

The Empty Space


Marianna Sztyma

Translation David Malcolm
210 x 280
34 pages, colour

ISBN: 978-1-912278-00-8

The Empty Space

Relase October 2017

We hope the empty space hasn’t visited you yet.
But it’s possible that before it comes, it’s already been with you for ages.
Then, as it says itself, it’ll be with you always.

Empty space cannot be drowned in tears, you cannot pretend it is not there. You can only tame it.

A graphic novel for children and adults. A story of a girl experiencing a loss after the death of her cat.

Marianna Sztyma
Born 1973.
Painter and illustrator. Most of her work is in press illustration (including for Zwierciadło, Twój Styl, Press, Newsweek, and Wysokie Obcasy). She likes doing illustrations for children a lot. She draws comics and designs covers. She lives in a village in the mountains. When she’s not drawing, she’s stroking cats and dogs.

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