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Jean-Gaspard Páleníček, Václav Šlajc


My Parents Are Not My Real Parents

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Kamil Macejko

The Empty Space

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Staring from the Hill

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Disco Cry

Marianna Serocka

Dear Rikard

The comic book creator Lene Ask tells Rikard’s story based on the exchange of letters between Rikard and his father, which she discovered in the Mission Archives in Stavanger.


£ 12.00 £ 10.00

Translation: Agnes S.D. Langeland
220 x x275 mm
84 pages
soft cover
Originally published in Norway as Kjære Rikard by No Comprendo Press
ISBN: 978-0-9929082-5-6

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Product Description

The comic book creator Lene Ask tells Rikard’s story based on the exchange of letters between Rikard and his father, which she discovered in the Mission Archives in Stavanger.

Rikard Jakobsen was born in1875 on Madagascar, where his parents were missionaries. When he was six years old, the family moved back home to Stavanger. After Rikard’s mother died, his father remarried and returned to missionary service with his new wife. Rikard and his older sister and brother, Elisabeth and Jakob, were left in Stavanger, at Solbakken, a children’s home for missionary children. Rikard was eight when his father left, and ten years were to pass before they saw each other again. The comic book creator Lene Ask tells Rikard’s story based on the exchange of letters between Rikard and his father, which she discovered in the Mission Archives in Stavanger.

Dear_Rickard_1 Dear_Rickard_2 Dear_Rickard_3 Dear_Rickard_4 Dear_Rickard_5 Dear_Rickard_6 Dear_Rickard_7 Dear_Rickard_8

This translation and production has been published with the financial support of NORLA

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