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Jean-Gaspard Páleníček, Václav Šlajc


My Parents Are Not My Real Parents

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Kamil Macejko

The Empty Space

Marianna Sztyma

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Disco Cry

Marianna Serocka

Tuff Ladies. 24 Remarkable Women of History

24 Remarkable Women of History


£ 10.00 £ 9.00

148 x 200 mm
64 pages
ISBN: 978-0-9929082-6-3
UK and Northern Ireland International
Shipping cost: £3 £10
Free Shipping On Orders over: £50 £100

Product Description

24 Remarkable Women of History

A glimpse into the ordinary to the insane everyday lives of TUFF LADIES throughout the ages. This book is a collection of stories from extraordinary women who had something worth fighting for. From the Samurai and gunslingers of the wild west to a girl who makes her stand against the Taliban. These ladies will break your heart or your nose and they definitely break all the rules.

Contents: Tomoe Gozen, Bridget Bishop, Ann Boney, Harriet Tubman, Belle Starr, Nora Hildebrandt, Ma Barker, Ellen West, Marie Laveau, Frida Kahlo, Miep Gies, Rosa Parks, Carmen Amaya, Beate Uhse, Ulrike Meinhof, Valentina Tereshkova, Grace Slick, Linda Lovelace, Wendy O. Williams, Susan Butcher, Princess Diana, The Spider Girls, Katie Piper, Malala Yousafzai + extras Artefacts

1st Award at Ligatura Pitching 2014.

Till Lukat was born in February 14, 1991. He currently lives in Berlin but created most of this book in Bristol, England, where he spends a good amount of his time. He likes punk rock music and walks in the nature.

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